Far too often, designers complain about receiving very little for work that has contributed significantly to their clients’ success.
A key concern for graphic design businesses is how to ensure appropriate payment for work that could become iconic and invaluable to the clients they work with. The right contract offers protection from underpayment and the devaluing of your work — that’s where we come in.
The secret of profitable work as a graphic designer is making sure you have the right contracts in place with your clients to receive fair payment and terms for your intellectual property rights. The outright transfer of all copyright of a work attracts a far higher price than limited use in a specified territory. Negotiating a fair price is the key to success and fortunately, we’re here to help.
Copyright protection is a core part of what we do. You can read about one such case where we represented a collective of artists whose designs were used without permission in a marketing campaign by a high profile footballer in collaboration with an online clothing retailer. Through persistent negotiation we were able to secure a generous compensation package for the artists.
For an overview of some of our services for graphic designers you can read more below and get in touch by filling out the form opposite for a consultation.