Written by Briffa | July 31, 2020
Social media is one of the gifts of the 21st Century. It has opened up a new world where you can launch new businesses from the comfort of your own home. However, with this we have noticed that it is increasingly common that big companies and brands are taking advantage of this wealth of new talent available without properly compensating them.
On social media, your intellectual property is your biggest selling point. Influencers post their content for everyone to see, with the hope that everyone will see it and engage. But what happens when you notice that someone is using your social media content without your consent?
In the images that you have taken or created you will automatically have copyright protection for these works, and therefore you have the right if someone has used you work without your consent to assert these rights.
What is Copyright?
Copyright is an unregistered right that arises automatically on creation and protects literary, artistic, dramatic, and musical works in the UK. In the UK, (for most works) copyright lasts the lifetime of the author plus 70.
We would recommend that whenever you are publishing your own works online you use a copyright notice. This is not a legal requirement (and by no means stops people from taking your work), however, it does inform the public that the work is protected by copyright, who the author is and shows the year of first publication. An example of a notice is below:
© Copyright Briffa 2020. All rights reserved.
Someone is using my work, what should I do?
If you notice that someone else is using you work without your consent, we recommend that you do seek advice as it is highly likely that they are infringing your intellectual property rights.
Briffa are experts in all aspects in intellectual law and practice and offer a free initial consultation. If are concerned about someone’s use of your work, then please do get in touch and we can help you enforce your rights.
Please contact us for a free consultation with one of our specialist lawyers on 020 7096 2779 or at info@briffa.com.
We’ll start with a no obligation chat where we’ll get to know you and understand your current challenges.
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